02 Mar Tacoma’s Historic Tile House
When your seller is a published author, and their home is rich with history, you don’t have to stretch too far to tell its story. Here are some thoughts on 908 North Yakima, from it’s current owner, Susanna Buchanan:
“Yakima Avenue meanders through most of Tacoma, incorporating the full spectrum of urban and suburban life, but North Yakima Avenue, which runs through the few blocks between the sassy stone maidens of Wright Park and the gulch below Lowell Elementary School, carries local panache and a conspiracy of opulence and grace that speaks for its larger historic neighborhood.
The grand architecture of the Stadium District reflects the turn-of-the-century birth of the City of Destiny. A gifted and wordly talent of architects bested each other to display the success of their clients, one residence more splendid than the next.
These days, new cafes, great coffee, innovative bartenders, local art and a passionate music scene sprout like wild hyacinths, infusing Tacoma with color and a galvanizing spirit. Overhead hover angels of preservation; UW, McMenamins, and new patrons of art, music, theater.
Mt. Rainier defines the horizon, its rivers ending below the cliffs of Downtown Tacoma. From this hill, streets roll down to Puget Sound in triangular confluence: a big juicy slice of pie, crowned by mannerly North Yakima Avenue. It’s rare canopy of Chestnut trees and American Elms and sweeping vistas of the Sound have beckoned a century of pedestrians, cyclists, joggers and strolling admirers of the good life.
Early postcards of North Yakima Avenue declared it to be “the street where all of America wants to live.”
With few homes, little turnover and often long waits, finding a place in this neighborhood requires patience and good fortune. We had to wait. We would have waited longer. We are one of a history of families who have chosen Tacoma’s Tile house above all others.
For us, once viewing the charms of Yakima Avenue from its balcony, we couldn’t imagine moving on. We have found joy in the warmth and beauty of this house every day, for many years. We will never have another home like 908 North Yakima. We pass along this treasure with the greatest love and appreciation.”
Or call/text Stephanie Spiro to schedule a private showing: 253-218-9258